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  • Writer's pictureKheng Hua Tan

Kheng’s 21-Day SHN Hacks

The Most Important Hack:

Conquer the mental game of being alone in a small area BEFORE it happens. Visualise yourself in the room and making use of the time productively. Think of it as a challenge or a game and decide to welcome this mandatory process because it will keep you and your loved ones safe.

Time Management Hacks:

a) Divide Hotel Room Into Zones

Why? This gives a sense of space. And space helps divide time which helps your mind adjust what you would normally do in a day into the confines of your hotel room. Sleep zone. Eat zone. Work zone. Food prep zone.

b) Set A Routine

Why? A routine is a plan. It divides your day into activities. This helps organise time and makes time pass better. Fill your routine with meaningful things and your day, even in a hotel room, will also be meaningful. Set a basic routine but make changes when needed.

My basic routine. :

6.30am - 7.30am Wake. Texts. Emails. News.

9.30am - 10.30am Exercise

10.30am - 11.30am Bathe. Laundry

11.30am - 12.30am Lunch

12.30am - 4pm Work or Play

4pm - 4.30pm Snack

4.30pm - 6pm Work or Play

6pm Dinner

7pm Wash up

8pm - 10pm Work or Play

10pm Sleep

Make your bed every day.

This act gives your day an official start.

Adjust the light in your room.

Light affects energy. Sunlight when awake. Dark when it's time to sleep.

Tummy Control Hacks:

a) Set Eating Time Zones

Why? This stops you from eating all day.

I ate between 11.30am - 7pm which included 2 main meals and 1 snack.

b) Snacks

Snacking is inevitable. While in SHN try to snack on things that have some nutrients but is still satisfying. Eggs. Bananas. Peanut Butter. These were some of my favourites.

c) Mix & Match Meals

Hotel fridges are cold enough to keep leftovers for 1 or 2 days max. I’d keep leftovers and mix and match during meal times to alleviate boredom.

d) Food Warmer

There are many small, cheap food warmers available. Get one delivered. No more unappetising lukewarm delivered food.

e) Use Real Crockery and Cutlery

Get the hotel to provide you a set you can keep in hotel room. Transferring delivered food onto real crockery and cutlery gives the meal a sense of purpose and reduces mindless eating. Sit down for your main meals, preferably at the same place, make your meal look appetising and eat purposefully even if it is in front of the computer.

Room Hygiene Hacks:

a) Bathe Before Sleep

Why? When you are in a confined space, odours can build. This will help reduce odours from the bed which absorbs and retains odours.

b) Set Up A Pantry Area

Why? Put all food and do all food prep in one area. Set it as Pantry Zone. Pantries require more cleaning but at least you know it is confined to one corner.

c) Take Out Trash Daily

Why? Odours. Roaches. Ants. If you live in a slum you’ll feel in a slump. And that’s not a good feeling.

Beauty Hacks:

a) Sheet Masks

Why? Aircon. I wore sheet masks 3x a week.

b) Body Moisturiser

Why? Aircon. I moisturised my body 2x a day after bathe and my forearms every chance I could.

c) Wash Your Hair Less

Why? Aircon. Less hair wash can sometimes mean less hair loss and healthier hair. Works well for dry hair. Wash more for oily hair.

Exercise Hacks:

a) Jump Rope

Why? Requires little space. Whole body exercise. Big calorie burner. Repetitive therefore possibly meditative. Can be done in front of TV or Computer for distraction. Cheap. Portable. If you don’t know how to jump rope, you have 14 or 21 days to learn. Always wear shoes.

b) Stretch Daily

Why? You’re in a confined space. Your muscles need to move.

c) Activity Tracker

Why? It’s a great motivating factor.

Personal Administration Hacks:

This is the perfect time to put your personal admin into order. Sort out:

a) Banking

b) Insurance

c) Finance Opportunities

d) Clean up photos/videos

e) Resumes

f) Digital Storage

g) Subscriptions

h) Address Books

i) Emails

Entertainment Hacks:

a) Learn Something

Why? Yes, this is the perfect time to binge the tv series you’ve got on your watch list forever. But twice a week, tell yourself to watch something that will teach you something. Start with this brilliant documentary you’ve probably never heard of: Fantastic Fungi by Louis Schwartzberg on Amazon Prime. It is as the title says - fantastic.

b) Podcasts

If you haven’t discovered the strange and beautiful world of podcasts, now is the time to do it. Podcasts also teach us how to do something many of us don’t do enough of - listen.

c) Take A Bath

Many hotel rooms come with a bathtub. Once a week put on nice music, fill the tub with warm water, dim the lights and soak.

d) Free Trials

Sign up for free monthly trials of anything you want to try! You got time. Delete those you don’t like after trial period.

e) Online Shopping

Great way to spend time. But give yourself a budget, please.

Right - all that’s left for me now is to say - I KNOW YOU CAN COME OUT OF SHN EVEN BETTER THAN BEFORE YOU WENT IN! Also, know this - the minute we learn to be with, live and love ourselves, we can do anything.

Good Luck! And DM me if any of these hacks worked!

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